WhyRU – Fighter/Tutor Intro and International Links

Updated 2/14/22 – New Link Information & Updates

The series is no longer available on LineTV, as that platform closed, sadly. However, thankfully Why R U wasn’t without a home for long. Rakuten Viki picked up the entire series, including behind the scenes and the Saifah Zon specials.

Also of note is this includes Viki’s subtitles, and they haven’t all been 100% subbed yet. I checked episode 9 to see if they made the actual change to what we know Tutor said. It is 93% translated. I will wait to see until it says 100% before I judge their subs. The whole Come Closer To Me (🙄) which is not the actual real translation from Thai to English, but the prudish sub team didn’t want to say what he actually said. As such, international fans had no idea why all the Thai fans were in shock. Once they told us, WOW. Tutor is one bold and confident guy who knows what he wants.

I won’t edit my original introduction below, but please realize it was written two years ago. I believe my writing has improved during this time, but I also want to be authentic by not rewriting myself. So I will leave it here.

Eeek, I made the mistake of reading it.😬If you end up reading it, be kind. 🙏🥺

I started this blog because I love WhyRU the series and it’s characters so much. I find it a refreshing change of pace in terms of Thai bl dramas. Its premise is unique in an oversaturated Thai bl market. There are 2 main couples in this series, and while Covid19 has affected the finished product of one of the couples, they did a great job using what they had available to wrap up the story. The story starts with Zon, a friendly but anxious college student, who is trying to be a writer. Then you have his rival in school, a tall Engineering student named Saifah. You have Saifah’s code line peer Tutor, who’s also Zon’s old fried. There is also his rival who is his elder in Engineering named Fighter. Zon is trying to become a successful writer of science fiction due to a bet made with his sister, a popular bl (boys love) author and college student as well. He finds out that his sister has created a Y story(yaoi story) with him and his rival as the main characters. Zon is very upset because he professes to hate Saifah, which leads him to make a bet with his sister that if he had feelings for another guy, her y(or boys love novel) would come true making him a part of the bl couple she wrote about in her fictional story. Of course over the episodes every couple she wrote about has become partners or pairs. It aims to turn bl on it’s head, showing and smashing the tropes we love, but the characters have become near and dear to my heart. I love all the couples in the series, even the ones that don’t get much screen time like Tanthai and Japan, but the dynamics between both of the two main couples fascinate me. The one I am currently focused on is the pairing of Tutor and Fighter. They are real to me in the way they are written and portrayed. You have Tutor, who seems to be happy go lucky teacher, engineering student who works part time at a bakery. And then you have Fighter, another engineering student, a senior to Tutor, who appears to be rich, gorgeous girlfriend (the best friend of Tutor) an athlete who doesn’t really care about school. But these are just their surface layers. They are much more complex than that. So I created this blog to get into their relationship and see how things change as each episode progresses. I hope you enjoy the series. Please let me know your thoughts on my musings.

Links for International Fans (Updated 2/22)

Why R U? The Series (Rakuten VIKI)

From the main page above you can choose the episodes and watch them.

Episode 1 is not actually the first episode of the show, it’s Episode 0 which is the introduction and some behind the scene information. This aired before Why R U.

Original Story from Why R U on Viki are Episodes 2-14

Saifah Zon special is considered Episodes 15-17

Under the About page for Why R U there also links to Behind the Scenes Episodes 1 & 2.


Still My Favorite Pair – Both TutorFighter & ZaintSee

5 thoughts on “WhyRU – Fighter/Tutor Intro and International Links

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  1. Thank you for the link and your work. I enjoyed so much. But can you double check the links for episode 11, they seem not correct.

    1. Thank you for the information. I have corrected the link and it appears to be working now. I am so happy you found my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it.
      💕💕 – Jen

      1. Thank you for corrected the link, they all work but not part 1, it appears a message: This video not currently available in your country. (I’m from Vietnam).

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